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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Your Design Needs

We, Stingray Designs, are open for freelance work. Whether it be caricatures, t-shirt design, or any other of your design needs, Stingray Designs can meet your needs. Just contact us with what you want and we will be happy to get it started and discuss pricing.

To contact us you can visit us on facebook here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

caricatures I've been working on.

I know I would update this more often. Life gets hectic every once in a while and some things get place of the back burner for a short time. Hopefully things are going to be a little more normal (if that's even possible). Anyway, these are a couple of the caricatures I've been working on. let me know what you think?

Monday, September 27, 2010


I just got done with this one (I think). This is my first caricature completely digital. It was a lot of fun and a great learning experience. I used Photoshop CS3 and a vistablet.

Web Graphic

This was a commissioned piece I did for a graphic designer, Tennyson Rog.

A Vagabond

This was a little something I put together with markers. It was a medium that at the time I had never used before. I was a fun experiment.
You can find this guy on some of my Zazzle store merchandise

"What are you thankful for?" T-shirts

"What are you thankful for?" T-shirts from Stingray Designs at

On the front a turkey says, "What are you thankful for? I am thankful that...", then on the back the turkey has a cow disguise on and says, "...Halloween comes before thanksgiving"

These photos are copyright of

Surviving Thanksgiving

This image was created for a T-shirt design I made for Thanksgiving at my Zazzle store.

Christmas Card

I created this a couple of years ago for a Christmas card that we sent to family. I used photoshop and my then newly acquired tablet. I was a lot of fun and I learn a lot; namely that I really like using a tablet.
I used the image at my Zazzle store to create a wide variety of things including some t-shirt designs, stamps, mugs, etc.

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This is the final result

Stingray Designs store

Create a personalized gift at Zazzle.